8507 Oxon Hill Rd, Suite 200, Fort Washington, MD 20744


Things To Try Avoid Saying During An Interview

Landing your dream job will always start with an interview and marks the first impression of your prospective company. You might think going into an interview is just answering a couple of questions, but you should consider doing some research before interviewing.

2021 is being dubbed ‘The Great Resignation’ as many people will be seeking new employment with up to 55% of people planning to find a new job this year according to a study by Bankrate. ‘The Great Resignation’ seems to be occurring with more people seeking more employment opportunities through title changes, pay raises, and even workplace environments (remote at home or in office).

During your interview, attempt to avoid navigating the conversation in a negative direction such as saying, “I don’t have experience in doing…” and you’ll want to project a positive flexible attitude. You can navigate around this by highlighting your strengths and what you’re doing to improve your performance.

Negotiating a salary can be tricky and it’s recommended to avoid declaring you’re flexible to rates that will be most likely to get low-balled. Implying your flexibility gives the idea that you’re willing to take whatever is offered and you have no other prospects so you’re more likely to accept. Know your worth and the value of your time when negotiating salary rates by demonstrating your skills that result in a higher salary compared to others.

Most interviews will ask the dreaded question of what your weaknesses are, and most are poised to pass off answers such as “I’m a perfectionist” or “I work too hard” that they’ve likely heard before. When answering this question, talk about a situation in which you may have struggled and how you overcame the situation using your unique skillset. This will add value to your presence in the workplace and that you can handle situations when under stress.

Maintaining a positive mental attitude will ease the interview into a casual conversation, so it is recommended to not bring up any negativity from your former place of work. Interviewing for a new job to transition companies will already reflect this aspect, implying the aspects you enjoyed at your old position but you’re looking for a change.

It might seem tricky but try avoiding responding to questions with a simple “yes” or “no” or other one-word answers. Some questions will require a one-worded answer but it’s up to you to determine whether you need to elaborate further on certain answers.

You might be wondering how to get promoted or how often you’ll be eligible for a raise, but these questions can seem quite forward. You should try to ask how you can help the organization achieve its objectives and this will let them know that you’ll be an asset in helping advance the organization.

The last part of the interview tends to end with you being asked, “Do you have any questions?” Most candidates will say no or not have any additional questions but try to go in-depth with something that wasn’t clarified earlier in the interview or things that weren’t covered.

These tips will help you prepare for your next interview and being prepared will let you be more relaxed during the process. Best of luck with your next interview and hopefully you’ll land the job!

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